Troubleshooting Basics
You've gotten your B Freshman Machine, but you're having trouble making it work?
Don't fret, we got you!
Here are tutorial videos for basic fixes on the Top 3 Most Common Concerns we receive for the B Freshman Machine:
- How to Reprogram the Cup Sizes
- How to Descale the Machine
- How to Fix Dispensing Issues
If the basic fixes in the tutorials don't work, message us in our Troubleshooting Facebook Group Chat in B Tribe or submit a support request right here!
1. How to Reprogram the Cup Sizes
1. Insert capsule of choice and close the handle.
2. Long press the respective button to start brewing, do not release your finger yet!
3. Once you have filled your cup to its desired size, release your finger from the button.
4. After these steps, you can test this out for a second time without having to long press the button.
5. Simply press the respective button once and your previous cup size should be filled again.
2. How to Descale your Machine
1. Pour a packet of scale remover into your water tank or container filled with water. Wait for 5 minutes.
2. Stir consistently until the powder scale remover has been dissolved.
3. Pour the water with scale remover into the water tank, fill up to 80%.
4. Close the water tank with the lid and ensure it is a snug fit.
5. Long press three fingers on each cup button at the same time, lift fingers once water is dispensed.
6. Wait for the water with scale remover to be dispensed.
7. Repeat the step of long pressing three fingers on each cup button at the same time, and release your fingers once water is dispensed.
8. Do this at least twice to ensure your machine is properly rinsed.
9. After descaling, dampen a soft cloth with warm water and gently wipe the inside of the machine's group head.
3. How to Fix Dispensing Issues
1. Remove the syringe's needle hub.
2. Remove the water tank from the machine.
3. Insert the syringe into the water inlet, pump at least 6 times.
4. Once done pumping, return the water tank into the machine.
5. Check if the machine is dispensing again by pressing the biggest cup button.